Command, Control & Communications Vehicle Rally
The Command, Control & Communications Vehicle Rally brings together the communications vehicles and personnel that operate them and to share information and experiences with each other. This will be a great opportunity to see the various communications vehicles from agencies throughout the National Capital Region (NCR) that can be called on to provide interoperability when needed.
The 2019 Rally will be held on June 28, 2019 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Fairfax County Police Department Driving Training Facility in Chantilly, VA.
Join IP Access International and COMSAT at the 2019 Fairfax Command, Control & Communications Vehicle Rally, where we will be demonstrating vehicle-mounted and airline checkable self-contained systems for connectivity anywhere.

Rapid Communications Terminal
A FirstNet Ready Rapid Deployable Communications Solution for First Responders, providing voice, cellular, data and video streaming in a highly-portable terminal.

Cobham EXPLORER 8100
Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Antenna
The unique Dynamic Pointing Correction technology and an advanced carbon fiber reflector make the 1 meter EXPLORER 8100 the most advanced Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Land VSAT antenna available in its class.