Our areas of hybrid mobile satellite and cellular expertise are designed to serve your needs

Explore Solutions By Industry

Pubic Safety Mobile VSAT Auto-Acquire Antennas

First Responders

We provide mobile satellite communication technologies for public safety and first responders. Whether you have a command vehicle, trailer, or quick deploy unit, IP Access solutions enable you to establish critical communications at a moment’s notice. Your emergency response teams can have 100% reliable communications in any location.

Caltrans Comm Trailer VSAT

Critical Infrastructure

You need a quick fix when voice and data communications are down. Whether it’s to restore connectivity in an emergency, back up multiple land-based networks, or connect to a remote location with no terrestrial options, IP Access has a solution. Our connectivity services range from narrowband to full-scale broadband.

Oil and Gas Industry

Private: Enterprise

Rapid response to disasters and safety incidents in remote locations is our specialty. IP Access provides a highly mobile broadband connection with available dedicated bandwidth that works anywhere. Our 24/7 global technical support offers a cost-effective solution for any enterprise business.

Business Continuity

Private: Business Continuity

Our mobile satellite internet service provides reliable, customized, and secure wireless backhaul solutions that integrate seamlessly with your company’s existing network infrastructure. Our FUSION technology keeps vital business applications connected by switching seamlessly between satellite and cellular as availability fluctuates.

Workers on tablet in Oil field

Oil and Gas

Oil and gas production and exploration businesses have unique communications challenges. From land-based drilling operations to offshore communications, these distant locations often require data, voice or video capability. We supply highly effective and reliable solutions to keep remote working sites connected.

Sourcewell Nationwide Contract

IP Access is proud to earn a Sourcewell contract in Public Safety Communications Technology and Hardware Solutions. Learn more about the IP Access International contract and how utilizing the power of Sourcewell will make purchasing simple and more affordable. 

Our partners

Our strong partner relationships make it possible to offer our customers best-in-class products and services

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Address 31831 Camino Capistrano, Suite 300A

San Juan Capistrano, California